Category Archives: General thoughts and Opinions

Soopah Troopah has an opinion on most everything. Sometimes I write them down.

STOP THE PRESSES! Call In Sick World Scheduled To End Tomorrow!!!

Here it is.. I figured that its been a LONG time coming. So I wanna give my fans one last Original Piece for their Amusement, Entertainment, whatever..  But I figured it needs to be relevant too. So here we go. This retard, Harold Camping says “You must repent!! The world is ending!!! The second coming is nigh!, It’s all over fade to black May 21,2011., but listen I need you all to send me money to help spread the word so that everyone can be saved. Then the mass stupidity begins.. (Sorry to any of my fans, No wait if you were stupid enough to send this Jack-Wagon your hard earned cash I don’t need you as a fan.) I digress, the sad reality of society is that Millions of People sent this idiot Millions of $$$>> WTF? So May 21st came and went and well what do you know?  Although, the world is steadily going down the tubes it didn’t end, in fact its no where near Armageddon. So all these people where pretty pissed, they got hosed, some of them sent this moron their ENTIRE LIFE SAVINGS thinking they wouldn’t need it considering the world was ending who would be around to collect on their debts, right? So since the world didn’t end this dude had to do some REALLY fast talking to avoid some redneck with no money, no job, and a WHOLE lot of time to realize that his life is truly in the crapper because he believed this dude and burnt out every ‘bridge’ in his life, but now has to face the music. So the Charming Mr. Camping says “Whoops! I transposed some numbers. The world is actually going to end on Friday October 21st, 2011!’  Amazingly people are still sending this idiot $$ the funny thing is that this is the THIRD time he predicted the end of days.  So there you go People are STUPID..  Thats my take on it. Stupidity apparently contagious. I wish all of you luck and um yeah well, I’m going to work tomorrow and the day after etc. Because you see, I have a novel to finish, and yes I am that diluted to think that the end of the world will wait for my book to at least get published and see a release. PS>> Keep you eyes and ears open, I plan on starting a serial on my  Fiction Blog here on WP  ‘Everything but Reality.” I think I have finally broken through my ‘block’>>> We shall see.  They way things seem to be going with our wonderful Governor King  (p)Rick Scott I could very likely have LOTS of free time come the first of the year.  I hope not, but on the bright side it will give me lots of time to focus on my ‘Joonyah Troops’ and work on finally finishing the book and going to press. Of course if the world does end tomorrow it was nice knowing ya’ll and I’ll see ya when we all get upstairs!

Until next time!! SOOPAH TROOPAH is OUT!!!!

Countdown to the Tournament

I am a card player. I love to play poker. I would never claim to be a Card Shark, maybe a minnow. Things have come together for me to take the first step to becoming a ‘Professional’ poker player. My current job (which I love) has afforded me the time off I need to begin this endeavor (it’s only 2 days as of right now.) and my Dad has been generous enough to ‘buy me in’ to this first step, a World Series of Poker satelite event.  Look for more Blogs in this category as I endeavor to become a Professional Poker player. I don’t know where this endeavor will take me but you can follow me right here, and of course, on FB and Twitter. This is my first REAL tournament. ( I have played in somel small time local level non-sponsored cash games and tournaments.) The tournament is roughly 5 days away. I will spend the next 5 days getting into a ‘tournament mindset.’ I am writing this blog for a few reasons. Mostly just to chronicle the life an ‘amatuer’ poker player in his journey to a Professional. Another reason is in the hopes that one of my Poker idols like Phil Hellmuth or Daniel Negreanu see my blog and offer input and insight into what it takes to become a pro.
For those who are wondering about my book, my photography and my flash-fiction, its still here, and the book is still coming along slow and steady.
Poker has always been one of if not my favorite activities.
I hope all of my fans enjoy following me as I take on this new endeavor.

Welcome to a SOOPAH 2010

Well 2010 has gotten off to a great start for yours truly. I am up to SIX loyal fans now. Thanks to my lovely wife, my Mom and, Dad, My Sis,my kids and, oh yeah you too Ann. We almost have enough for a whole Troop!
Weather wise 2010 has gotten off to a chilly start. Especially here in FL.  So I have one really important question before we dive in. Is it just me or do you not get the sudden urge to reach up and give someone a SOOPAH kick in the teeth when they whine about ‘Global Warming’? Ok. I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I was starting to feel like Helen Keller trying to find her way out of a door-knob factory.
Anyway I am just laying out a plan for 2010 for all six of my loyal fans. It’s sort of my ‘to do’ list for 2010. It doesn’t cover everything, if I did that then no one would be surprised by some of my stuff, and what fun would that be. You guys read me for the shock value, right? But it gives you a general idea of what to expect in 2010
If you haven’t noticed I have a second WP blog now. Don’t worry this one isn’t going anywhere. The other one “Everything but Reality” covers just that. All of my Flash Fiction will be found there. It also allows me an opportunity to introduce the Characters of my book. It also allows my fans to comment on them, whether they hate ’em , love ’em whatever the case may be. As of the Original posting of this entry the only thing on the ‘Everything but Reality’ side is the ‘About Me’ section, feel free to check it out.
Speaking of books I hope to get mine out sometime this year. I have decided to take the ‘Self Publishing’ option with it. So I will officially be an ‘indie’ author. I also plan on seeing where my photography takes me. Look for lots more of it in 2010.  All in all I plan to make 2010 a SOOPAH year! I hope all of you have a SOOPAH year as well.

Respect Our Servicemenand Women!

I received an email from a friend of mine the other day and I was disgusted by what I read, not just disgusted but appalled. Our servicemen and women stand fast on the front lines everyday and to hear a story like the one I am about to share is a travesty. This story was in the St. Petersburg Times on January 5th of this year. Its just disgusting how this could even have happened. The man was a decorated war hero.  I am however glad to see that there were at least a couple of young people that stepped up and made sure that this man was honored like he deserved. It may have been a little late, but at least he got the honor he deserved.

The two teenagers got to the cemetery first. He wore his dark green dress uniform from the National Guard. She wore a long black dress. They stood on the edge of the road, across from rows of matching military headstones, waiting for the funeral of the man they had never met.

Mike Colt, 19, and his girlfriend, Carol Sturgell, 18, had driven more than an hour from their Tampa homes last month to be at Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell.

They weren’t really sure why they had come. They just knew they had to be here.

“It’s kind of sad, huh?” asked Sturgell, scanning the sea of white gravestones.

Colt nodded. “Yeah, but it feels kind of important.”

At 12:20 p.m., a Tampa police car pulled up, then a white Lincoln Town Car. Another police cruiser followed. Two officers stepped out.

“Thank you for being here,” Colt said, shaking both of their hands.

“No, thank you,” said Officer Dan College. “If it weren’t for you guys, none of us would be here.”

More than a month ago , on the last Saturday of November, the young couple was hanging out at Sturgell’s house when her brother rode up on his bike, all excited. He had found two fishing poles in this huge pile of trash. Come check it out, he said. So they did.

At the edge of the trash mound, sticking out from beneath a box, Sturgell spied a worn green folder.

She pulled it out, brushed off the dust. Across the top, bold letters said, “Department of Defense.” Inside, she found retirement papers from the U.S. Army; a citation for a Purple Heart issued in 1945; and a certificate for a Bronze Star medal “for heroism in ground combat in the vicinity of Normandy, France … June 1944.” In the center of the certificate there was a name: Delbert E. Hahn.

Why would anyone throw that away? Sturgell asked.

And who is that guy? Colt wanted to know. Must be old, a World War II vet. Looks like he served at D-Day!

That night, they took the paperwork back to Sturgell’s house and searched Delbert E. Hahn on the computer. Nothing. They talked about who he might have been, the life he might have led.

The next morning, they went back to the trash heap and searched for more clues. They rummaged through boxes, overturned furniture, picked through piles of the past. Colt moved a ratty couch – and something fell out. A metal vase, or box, some kind of rectangular container about a foot tall. On the base was the name: Delbert E. Hahn.

“It’s him,” Colt told his girlfriend. “This must be him, in his urn.”

Sturgell screamed. She didn’t want to touch it. It was kind of freaky, she said, discovering the remains of some dead guy.

“He shouldn’t be here,” Colt said. “No one should be thrown away like that, just left in a parking lot.”

The dead man wasn’t alone. Under the couch, the couple found two more sets of remains: a cylinder-style container with Barbara Hahn printed on the bottom and another urn, which had no name.

Tampa police Cpl. Edward Croissant had just reported for the night shift that Sunday when his officers showed him the urns. This kid and his girlfriend had found them and brought them to the station.

Then an officer told Croissant about the Purple Heart. The Bronze Star. And the Normandy invasion.

And Croissant became irate. He had served eight years in the Navy. He’s in the Coast Guard Reserve. “I had three uncles in World War II. That was the greatest generation. If it wasn’t for those men, we would have nothing,” he said.

“That man saw combat. And someone just dumped him there? He deserves a better ending.”

Police called the Department of Veterans Affairs and learned Hahn had died in 1983, at the age of 62, -and was a highly decorated war hero. The staff sergeant had served in the infantry and been honored with five Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts.

Barbara Hahn, they learned, was the soldier’s wife.

So how did their remains end up in that mound of garbage? Where was the rest of their family, or friends, anyone who would want their ashes? And who was in that third urn?

Neighbors filled in some of the story: Barbara Hahn had been a widow forever, they told police. For years, her mother had lived with her. Her mother’s name was Barbara, too.

The elder Barbara had lived to be more than 100. They thought she died around 2000. That third urn, neighbors told police, must be her.

The younger Barbara, the soldier’s wife, got sick in 2003. A couple came to care for her, and she wound up willing them her mobile home. When she died, the couple moved in, took out a mortgage, then didn’t make payments.

The bank foreclosed on the trailer late last year.

In November, officials sent a maintenance company to clear it out. The workers must have just dumped everything behind the vacant building on Busch Boulevard, neighbors told police. Including the remains of three people.

Just before 1 p.m. Dec. 16 , the two teenagers led the car line through Florida National Cemetery. Police followed, then the funeral director who had the urns. Outside a wooden gazebo, two rows of National Guardsmen stood at attention.

The funeral director handed the first soldier a flag, the next one the cylinder with Barbara Hahn’s remains, the third one the brass urn with Delbert Hahn.

(Barbara’s mother’s remains are still in the evidence room of the police station. Since she wasn’t a veteran or married to one, she wasn’t entitled to be buried in the military cemetery..)

“Let us open the gates of the Lord,” said a military chaplain, who led the procession of strangers into the gazebo. “Let us remember,” said the chaplain, “none of us lives only unto himself.”

The teenagers sat on the front bench. Three officials from Veterans Affairs sat behind them. They had spent weeks searching for the Hahns’ relatives, any distant kin or friend, someone who might want their ashes – or at least want to come to their burial.

They couldn’t find anyone. Even the couple whom Barbara Hahn had willed her home to didn’t show.

By the time the chaplain lifted his head from the Lord’s Prayer, a long line of men had wrapped around the gazebo.

Wearing blue denim shirts and work boots, they clasped their caps in their hands and bowed their heads. Dozens of groundskeepers from the cemetery had left their Christmas party to come pay respects to the man who, in death, had been so disrespected.

A bugler played taps. The riflemen fired three shots. And 56 people watched the honor guard fold a flag over the urns of the man and woman they never knew.

A SOOPAH look back at 2009

Ok. What SOOPAH Blog would be complete without raw unsolicited unedited and politically incorrect look back at 2009? That’s right. It wouldn’t be. So here it is.
We started off the year with Barack Hussein Obama taking the oath of office. Thus far this president has been the most abysmal failure in modern times. Hope and Change, whatever. I’ll keep my hope and you Mr. President, can keep the ‘change’.
Then we had Sully Sullenburger.  A true American Hero. To hear him tell it he was just doing his job. The reality is he saved 159 crew and passengers from a cold watery grave. He safely landed US Airway flight 1549, an Airbus A320 crippled by a bird strike on the Hudson River. That’s right he landed a behemoth aircraft on a River! Safely. According to reports, as the ferries arrived to shuttle the passengers to shore,  he checked over the entire plane, TWICE, to make sure that no one was left behind. That’s a hero in my book.

Of course we had Jon and Kate, well there’s not too much to say about that one, other than LET THOSE KIDS BE KIDS DAMN IT! Jon moved on and on and on… Ok whatever get over it folks.
The economy went further into the crapper, but it’s beginning to turn around where I don’t know.
The Secret Service got a black eye when they let a presidential shindig get crashed (Turns out they were professional party crashers, I’d never heard of such a thing).
Then there was Octomom, do I really need to say anymore about that.
The war on terror is still going full tilt in Iraq and Afganistan.
A Playboy model had a baby, the made a Reality Program about her life.  I mean really, Do we not have enough garbage on Television?
Bobby Bowden stepped down. This was a dark day in College Football. It still hurts to talk about it.
Of course we ended 2009 on an ‘up’ note, sort of. We increased airline security. It was increased because some Moron decided that he would try to blow up his pants on an international flight from Kenya to Detroit. His pants. Now we can’t get up to pee during the last hour of any flight. That’s an ugly thought. Maybe they’ll work their way up a little further, nearer to the genitalia and eliminate themselves from the gene pool, thus saving air-travelers the world over from further inconvenience when traveling.
And then there’s the whole Pope-Jumping incident. What an idiot. Not much to say about that one, other than You Retard!
Ok. Now on a look at my own 2009.
I had some ups and downs during 2009, my first FULL year in FL.
I graduated from the Florida Department of Corrections Basic Recruit Program near the top of the middle of my class.
My wife’s stepfather passed away this year after a short but harrowing fight with Lung Cancer. RIP Terry Bailey.
Mrs. Troopah and I successfully potty trained our daughter. This was put to the test on our 10-hour drive to Mississippi. (we cheated and broke it up into 2 5-hour sections, but still that’s impressive for a three year old. ( Like any 3 year old, we still have an occasional accident. ).
I have spent some time developing my poker skills and working on my entry into WSOP. I think I am ready. Look for me in the 2011 Main Event.
I created this Blog for all of my fans. I know there’s only 5 of you. Thanks Mom, Dad, Sis, and Adrienne. I still love the little bit of attention that I do get when people read my blog(s).
I have dedicated a lot more time to my family and my writing and photography. Of course my son celebrated his first birthday. This is an accomplishment considering how he started out in life. He is as happy and healthy as any kid I’ve come across, it’s like nothing ever even happened.
Then of course my daughter turned 3 this year as well. Three year olds are tons of fun. Watching her makes me enjoy every moment in life just like she does.
On a more somber note my wife got pregnant and unfortunately lost the baby early on. These things happen for a reason, even if we don’t know what that reason is. You have to have faith. I finished 2009 on a slightly Painful note… I developed a horribly infected big toe. I’ve been on Anti-Biotics for a bit now, had it sliced open and cleaned out, the nail had to be cut back, it’s pretty painful. It feels much better now. I have one last trip back to the doc to get it un-wrapped and cleaned for the last time and it should be good. Wish me luck with this one.
The next question is what will 2010 bring. Only time will tell. Heck, I might even try a new Gluten free diet. If I do look for Blog entries right here dedicated to “The Diet’ Look for my book to come out sometime late 2010, hopefully in time for Christmas. I plan on going to Vegas at least once, to play in a WSOP event.  I plan on selling more of my photography and some Flash Fiction along the way. I wish all of my fans a  SOOPAH Happy and Prosperous New Year. Until next year this blog is 10-98 (Complete) SOOPAH TROOPAH is 10-7 for the rest of the Year.

Will the REAL Tiger Woods Please Stand Up?

Everyone knows him as the ‘Whitest’ Black man ever.  Tiger Woods.  He had the ‘Mr. Perfect’ persona, the milk toast, easy going guy that everyone loves. He’s the pitch man for Buick, he’s arguably the best Pro Golfer ever, he’s a pitch man for Nike, and he lives in one of the most exclusive communities in Central Florida. Did anyone stop to think about how he made it to the ‘top’? For my SOOPAH readers we’ll start simpler, How does anyone make it to the ‘Top’? Are they simply gifted and use that gift, or is there more to it? There’s a lot more to it than just being gifted, you have to be the best at what you do. That means you have to have an alpha attitude. The kind of attitude that people may at times  find to be Arrogant and Self Centered. You have to  be a fierce competitor. Unwilling to just ‘settle’.  Well to me and I think most others Tiger never seemed to be a ‘Fierce’ competitor, yet he got to the top somehow. So if he got to the ‘top’ of golf game by ‘Not settling’, then why on Earth would he ‘settle’ with other aspects of his life, like for example the wife he had. (Not saying that the wife is wife is a dog or anything.)

Now the real Tiger Woods has stepped out into public the public eye. He had a traffic accident. However this was no ‘normal’ traffic accident, if there is such a word. First of all I would like to point out the Irony in the fact that he was driving a Cadillac instead of sporting around one of the Buicks that he shamelessly plugs every chance he gets. The truth is out. He couldn’t just ‘settle’ for the home life he had. He kept wanting more. In fact, he allegedly had 10 more women. This is just ridiculous. He is scum. He is fake. There are women just pouring out of the woodwork to get heard and get a piece of this pie. I mean, a Perkins waitress? Really? She ranks on a list of women that include a swimsuit model/ Hooters Girl and (supposedly) a porn star. I am about to sound SOOPAH arrogant, I have nothing against a working class woman, but seriously what could a Perkins waitress offer someone like Tiger Woods.  Ok. Stop writing the hate mail. I understand that there’s the rare person that is ‘Laying Low’ in life, like that dude from Good Will Hunting, but as a whole, the women of Perkins don’t have much to offer someone like Tiger Woods, except a departure from his ‘perfect’ life. Ok. So now to the point.  Tiger Woods is not the mellow, selfless, all-American athlete we all came to know and love on our T.V. sets. He is actually a selfish self-centered ego maniac whose ego got so big it finally started to eat itself. Read between the lines folks. The damage to that truck is minimal yet his wife felt like she had to break out the back window of the truck to get him out of the FRONT DRIVER SEAT.  The first question is Why? Did you not just OPEN THE DOOR. Perhaps because you busy systematically destroying every window in that truck after finding out that he had yet another mistress that you didn’t know about. Well you know what? Good for you sister, he deserves every bit of the Ass Whoopin he;s totin’ right now. AMEN
So ends another SOOPAH Blog. This Blog is officially 10-98.
PLease check out my AC pieces as well. I really enjoy writing so if I can make a little money here and it makes it that much better.

Welcome to the Ghetto?

Most of my readers who know me personally are familiar with the fact that I grew up in Denver Colorado and went to high school at one of the roughest schools in the city.  So I am no stranger to the violence of the inner cities. I was also a police officer and am currently a corrections officer, so I am no stranger to the criminal element.  So when my wife and I relocated to Northeast Florida we had hoped to find a nice quiet suburban neighborhood to raise our children.  We searched high and low and settled on a nice quiet apartment complex to rent an apartment while we looked for a house in NE Florida.  The neighborhood looked nice, the people seemed nice, neighborhood hadn’t been in the news in the days or weeks prior to us looking at it. All seemed good. Then we found a house in the same neighborhood that we really liked. Then it happened. The neighborhood has started to go downhill. And fast. First, Somer Thompson (We are all familiar with her tragic case). The house we were/are interested in is right down the street from where she was snatched. Then right in my own complex some scumbag tried to snatch a little 10 year old girl. Thankfully the outcome was much more positive.  She got away before he could actually snatch her. Then just the other night Clay County Sheriff’s Office had a suspect run from them in the area and a resident in my complex allegedly hid them. There was a short stand off that ended, thankfully without a single shot fired. Lots of street racing around here lately as well.. That just leads to a whole host of other problems. The important question is, Is my neighborhood becoming a ghetto? All of the signs are here.  Of course there’s that old saying we have on the street, “If it walks like a duck, it quacks like duck. Its probably a duck.”  That settles it I officially live in the Ghetto.  Of course now the complex has finally gotten around to fixing the front gate and it will be operational, but will it stay that way? We’ll just have to ride out this latest crime wave and get on with life because aside from the occasional SWAT raid this is a pretty decent neighborhood.  We’re a SOOPAH tough family and we like the neighborhood. It’s unfortunate that a few dirt bags have to ruin a neighborhood.
Until next time I am 10-7

Blue Wall

Ok so now I am SOOPAH Angry.. Since when is it wrong for police officers to show support for their brothers in Blue? Since now, according to Florida’s 1st District Court of Appeals. The Court rendered an opinion in the case of an alleged scumbag drug dealer convicted of shooting at Jacksonville Sheriffs Office  narcotics detectives  attempting to serve a search warrant. The defendant claimed that the jury was unduly influenced by the presence of numerous uniformed Jacksonville Police Officers. I would think that if the Judge on the bench during the trial would have removed some of them from the courtroom if he had ANY indication that they were there with the purpose of influencing the jury, not to simply show support for their fellow officer and a united front against drug dealing scumbag punks that shoot at cops. Things like this disgust me. What kind of message does this send? What next? The poor woman who has been raped and brutalized sees her attacker succesfully appeal a conviction because her family and friends sat right in the front row throughout the trial as a show of support for their victimized friend. Its ridiculous. The officers who were shot at are VICTIMS just like the woman who is raped and beaten or the father who is killed because of a simple misunderstanding. This is ridiculous. Its sad to see our justice system has come to this. This is pitiful.
This Entry is 10-98 (Complete) Until Next time I am 10-7 and fuming

Another Bunch of Unsolicited Opinions

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, mopes and trolls, its time for another long awaited installment of the Soopah Chronicles. Of course its been awhile, so I have an abundance of opinions to share.
My life has been pretty hectic lately so I haven’t had a lot of time to do much writing. (The fact that I’ve had some serious writers block lately hasn’t helped.) So here it is for my SOOPAH fans…….My latest gripes (and praises). My first gripe is with Drive Thru service at [insert favorite drive-thru]. Drive Thru is Drive Thru is Drive Thru no matter where you go.. Don’t mistake it with the latest ‘Drive up’ craze. I am talking Drive Thru, fast food gut busting fat laden, artery hardening greasy fast food. Why is it that if you order drinks with your meal and your meal is delayed a moment or two they hand you your drinks WITH NO FREAKIN STRAWS!!! They put them in the bag with the food, sometimes, but why give me my drink ahead of my food if I can’t savor it for the few moments before I am handed my food. I mean really, WTH? I didn’t choose a Fast food restraunt because it was gourmet food, generally if I am using the drive thru it means that I am really busy and time pressed, ergo I would probably be saved a few more moments if you gave me my straw WITH MY DRINK!!! or of course I could just stare at it and think ‘Boy I am really thirsty but I don’t feel like taking the lid off that cup because I would hate to spill it on my seats and my floorboard so I’ll just stew about the damn straw.. ‘ While I am on the fast food kick, do they have like a Maximum education requirement? Like if you’re IQ is much higher than the food you serve you can’t work there. I seem to usually get the most dense employee on the payroll serving me at the window (that or they’re like photo of the month material for Half the time I never get my straw at all let alone WITH my drink… OK.. Now that I have kicked that horse to death, and probably beyond lets move on to my next gripe…
The weasels at Comcast have once again JACKED UP their prices. They claim its because of the contracts with the different networks, I am sorry but I DON’T buy it.  I feel like as a part of an ever shrinking market (Cable T.V.) I am getting soaked for every dime possible because its just a matter of time before traditional cable TV goes the way of the DoDo. Listen I know that Comcast has polished up its services and added all kinds of cool bells and whistles like DVR but for me it just can’t compete with Satelite for picture quality, selection and overall price. (Unfortunately I am unable to get Satelite where I currently live see my earlier Blog entry about COMCAST SUCKS). I was begining to get used to Comcast and getting to where I was OK with what I was paying and what I was getting of course now I have to suck it up and shell out even more money for the exact same service. Can someone explain how that works without all the double speak. Ok Another dead horse.
Alright. Now onto some more positive topics. First off CONGRATULATIONS to my good friends Shawn and Stacie back in Colorado on the arrival of their third ‘M’ Megan Elaine. May she be a happy and healthy joy.
And congratulations and Good Luck to my Friend CJ GARBO on his bid for the District 9 seat in the Colorado Senate. Good Luck brother Colorado needs someone like you to move in the right direction. Hope you make it all the way to DC where you can really make a difference. Colorado could use someone who is NOT your typical politician…
Oh and what blog would be complete without an entry about Balloon boy.. All I have to say about that one is that these parents have thoroughly contaminated the gene pool. They are the poster family for FORCED birth control. These people are actually worse than Jon and Kate… That’s hard to do.. I feel terrible for those children. I hope the local social services people have them under a serious microscope and will yank those children ASAP.. Normally I would never want children to be taken from their parents by force, except of course in case of serious physical and/or sexual abuse, but this type of mental abuse definitely warrants removal I think. Those kids are going to have a rough time in life, thats all I can say.
As usual thanks for listening to me rant on about life… and Keep reading.. There’s some good stuff coming soon.. I am slowly overcoming the writers block. In fact there may be a book soon. Time will tell. Until next time this SOOPAH Entry is 10-98 (Complete) I am 10-7 for the night.

Have we (Americans) lost our manners

Kanye West, Joe Wilson, Serena Williams. What do they all have in common? Simple. They all acted a maggot in a VERY public forum.  First, during an address to congress by President Obama, South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson-R blurted out  “YOU LIE” in the middle of the address. Now that one took some serious nuts to stand up and interupt the President of the United States, Leader of the free world, even if it is Barrack Obama. Next tennis star Serena Williams berrated a line judge at the US OPEN essentially threatening to cram a tennis ball where the sun don’t shine.
Then of course there’s Kanye West. The king of all maggots. What would a blog about uncouth and boorish behavior be without Kanye West earning at least honorable mention. During the MTV Video Music awards, Kanye West was well, Kanye West.  Taylor Swift recieved an award and Beyonce, who in my opinion sings like an amputee (Can’t carry a tune, can’t hold a note) was nominated in the same category. Mr. West jumped up on the stage in the middle of Swift’s acceptance speech and ripped the mic from her hands and proceeded to make an ass of himself (President Obama himself actually said he was a ‘Jackass’) by telling the crowd that Beyonce was more deserving of the award, etc. etc.  In a move that would do most mothers proud when Beyonce won an award later in the evening she invited Swift to the stage to complete her interrupted speech. These are just some of the latest examples of the behavior that is becoming all to common in America today. Wake up people, if you have children you need to start holding them more accountable. Teach them to say things like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ teach the boys to open doors for the girls and to open their car doors the general ‘Ladies First’ thing. I know some kids don’t have a father figure, but that is NO EXCUSE for poor manners. Its getting terrible. I have a few kids who live in my neighborhood who I am certain have no parents, because their behavior is soo abborhent that no parent in their right mind would allow it to occur, yet these particular children persist in the behavior day in and day out. I refuse to allow my children to be around them as they are definitely not the influence I want around my children. Please SOOPAH SUPPORTERS, teach your children right.  Let’s not continue this downward trend.
Good Luck and until then I am 10-07, have a SOOPAH WEEK and until next time stay safe. This entry is officially 10-98 (Complete). Stay Safe.